national family mediation service East-Anglia

Harmony Through Honest
Family Mediation

Helping Families Deliver the Perfect Mediation for an Imperfect Situation

What is Family Mediation East-Anglia

We’re a team of specialist family mediators, here to help people with our mediation services.

Many couples are unsure that mediation is the first step to amicable resolution.

Our main job is to guide you in the mediation process with making decisions about your kids, money, and property in a fair and impartial way.

With a family mediation process you need a neutral family mediator who helps you and your ex-partner take first steps, talk through things and make decisions together during this difficult time.

We don’t give legal advice or make choices for you like in court. It is not counselling or therapy either; it’s more about finding solutions that work for both of you.

We believe that agreements made by the people involved, who know their own situation best, are better and longer-lasting than decisions forced by a court.

Our goal is to create a space where you can talk openly and work together to find solutions.

We’re here to support you through tough times, helping you and move forward through family issues with respect and understanding.

National Family Mediation Services are a voluntary and confidential process that helps separated or divorcing individuals make their own informed decisions about their finances and child custody arrangements.

It’s quicker, less expensive, and allows you to be involved in the decision-making process.

The mediation process is an alternative to going to court, but if court becomes necessary or if you choose not to mediate, you’ll need to meet with a family mediator for a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) to show that you’ve considered the professional mediation services as an option.

Our Services

Why Chose NFMS East-Anglia?

Family Mediation Voucher Scheme

The family mediation voucher scheme is a program created to help parties resolve your family dispute without court proceedings. The Government established this scheme to encourage more individuals to consider a mediation session as a way to resolve disputes, if it's suitable.

If you meet the requirements, you can expect to receive up to ÂŁ500 towards the costs of your mediation session


A MIAM is a meeting between you and your accredited family mediator. You need to attend a MIAM if you plan to get divorced and have children with your ex-partner, and if you have property, investments, or other financial interests.

You need to provide evidence to the court that you attempted mediation, even if it was not successful. In such cases, your mediator will give you a C100 form to fill out Your mediator will sign the form if your ex-partner refuses to mediate, and it will be submitted to the court.

Legal Aid

Legally Aided Mediation (Legal Aid) is a government service that provides funding for mediation costs. To show that you cannot afford to pay, If you have a low income, family mediation is free through the Legal Aid scheme. Legal Aid is available for Mediation (subject to eligibility criteria)

Our skilled team is able to evaluate every client during your initial call to verify if you are potentially eligible for Legal Aid to ensure you receive the right advise for your needs.

All our team are part of the family mediation council.

family disputes

Expert Resolution

Our family mediators are accredited, qualified, experienced, insured, and affordable. Our team has successfully mediated thousands of family disputes, providing resolutions and strategic plans to solve the issues with an open and honest discussion.

We will work together in a neutral manner to fix issues in a friendly way, make quick progress, and to ensure you reach a mutual agreement that you can get approved by the courts.

Let NFMS East-Anglia Cut The Conflict


We offer a Family mediation service for separation with respect.

Our specialists support you during this emotional and stressful time, reducing costs and delays while giving you and any other party more control via our family mediation service.

Together, we’ll work on resolving issues calmly, making progress, and reaching a mutual agreement.

This approach increases the chance of satisfactory outcomes for family finances, asset division, and future parental responsibilities.

NFMS East-Anglia sessions provides a stress-free alternative for cases involving relationships like marriage, civil partnerships, and parenthood.

Our accredited family mediators give you control and prevent your dispute from escalating whilst providing an unbiased voice throughout the process.

In many family law cases, such as divorce or civil partnerships, courts require parties to consider professional mediation before issuing proceedings on finances or children.

Attending a MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) is a legal requirement to ensure a smooth case before court progression.

Mediation process with a family mediator can cover a range of disputes through our mediation sessions.

Your experienced family mediator will help you to reach an agreement through our mediation services around your key issues that are suitable for all parties involved and any other party involved.

Our mediation services and team are all accredited and part of the family mediation council.

You can attend mediation and take part of our mediation services safely even if there is instances of domestic abuse via our shuttle mediation services.

You will be safe at all times through the mediation process and you can get a final agreement.

Our family mediation service can even be undertaken if there has been evidence of domestic abuse and we have huge success in resolving  disputes even in the most complex of cases.

We understand that family disputes can be emotionally charged and stressful, which is why we strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for all parties involved.

Our goal is to help families reach agreements through open communication and understanding, rather than resorting to lengthy and costly court proceedings.

Through mediation services, families have the opportunity to create their own solutions tailored to their unique situation, rather than having decisions made by a judge who may not fully understand the dynamics of the family.

We believe that every family has the ability to find common ground and our mediators are trained to facilitate productive discussions towards peaceful resolutions.

We have huge success in resolving child arrangements even when there has been evidence of domestic abuse via our mediation services.

Why Work With Us

Highly Skilled Team

Our team of specialist family mediators are highly trained and experienced in resolving disputes. They stay updated with the latest legislation and law changes.

Mediation that Works for Everyone

Our National Family Mediation Team helps everyone involved to have a productive conversation about important matters.

Flexible Sessions

The team at National Family Mediation Services East-Anglia are on hand to help find the resolution that you need. We offer online mediation as well as out of hours appointments including evenings and Saturdays.

Legal Aid

If you have a low income, legally aided mediation service is free through the Legal Aid scheme.

Legal Aid is available for Family Mediation service (subject to eligibility criteria).

Why Chose Mediation?

After a separation, couples often seek help from specialist family mediators, especially when it comes to child arrangements.

We are the top family professional mediation practice in the country, focusing on child-related matters.

Our success rate is unmatched, and we consistently receive positive feedback from our clients.

They describe us as friendly, helpful, supportive, unbiased, efficient, and affordable.

Client Testimonials